An intercultural community arts festival unfolding online during Ramadan
Edge of Sunset
Over the past eight years, MABELLEarts has collaborated with professional artists and hundreds of local residents of all ages and backgrounds to host annual community events that bring together hundreds of Muslim and non-Muslim neighbours from across the GTA to mark Ramadan and specifically ‘Iftar’ - the Arabic word describing the spiritual moment at sundown when the daily fast is broken.
This year, MABELLEarts is producing The Edge of Sunset, a mixed live & virtual production in Mabelle Park series featuring local stories and new Youth driven compositional works that expand upon Hussein Janomohamed’s eight chapter folk and choral work developed in 2020 based on community Memories of Iftar celebrations past. The Edge of Sunset will be brought to life through the spectacle arts, puppetry and music. In tandem, the MABELLE Pantry will be building and distributing Iftar Treats and Meal Kits throughout the period to hundreds of residents, with Youth sharing cooking skills and leading the development and distribution of the Meal Kits. The Listening Room will also be working alongside MABELLEarts hosting weekly story sharing workshops on zoom.
Cheko Salaam's opening piece for Iftar Nights 2021, takes us on a journey through Mabelle Park and how life can be for those always in the state of arrival.
Produced, Written and Directed by Cheko Salaam for MABELLEarts.
Contains sample from: "Arrival - Marhaba, by Hussein Janmohamed, performed by Maryem and Earnie Tollar with additional vocals by Samidha Joglekar.
Eid Concert Livestream
The Edge of Sunset: Eid Concert Livestream performance, airs May 13 at 7 pm after a month of Iftar Nights celebrations for Ramadan. This Eid Concert is a chance to celebrate the month with incredible music from incredible artists. Join us for the hour just before Iftar for moments of laughter, reflection, and connection. Artist Line Up includes Hussein Janmohamed, Maryem Tollar, Brenna MacCrimmon, Sergio Guerra; and Rahaf and Esmaeel Abofakher.
Livestream performances every Thursday Night
This year, for the duration of Ramadan we gathered virtually for Edge of Sunset YouTubeLive performances every Thursday night to celebrate with community stories, incredible music, fun hosting, guest chats, moments of laughter, reflection, and connection. Check out past performances below:
Join in at the Virtual Art-Making Table
Every week, we will share art activities that reflect and respond to the festival's themes and stories. All activities can be completed at home, using only the materials you have on hand. Each activity will involve different art forms, and you can do any and all of them, regardless of your age and artistic experience. If you complete any of the activities please send them back to us at annie@mabellearts.ca to be included in our Virtual Gallery.
Contribute to our Community Gallery
Take a picture of your Iftar table and send it in to annie@mabellearts.ca to be included in our community slideshow!

Weekly Colouring Pages
For colouring enthusiasts of all ages, please download our colouring pages designed especially for Edge of Sunset by MABELLEartist, Banafsheh Erfanian. Add colour and send to annie@mabellearts.ca to be included in our website gallery and our live stream countdown!
Click any image below to download a printable copy.
Featured Colouring Page:
This week we're guided by our community stories and memories of Iftar lanterns and light!
Sing Along
Each week we are joined live by renowned musicians Maryem Tollar and Brenna MacCrimmon.
Brenna MacCrimmon is back with us again this week to teach us the song Ben Yururum Yane Yane!
Turkish Lyrics:
Ben yürürüm yane yane
Aşk boyadı beni kane
Ne akilem ne divane
Gel gör beni aşk neyledi
Gah eserim yeller gibi
Gah tozarım yollar gibi
Gah akarım seller gibi
Gel gör beni aşk neyledi
Ya elim al kaldır beni
Ya vaslına erdir beni
Çok ağlattın güldür beni
Gel gör beni aşk neyledi
English Lyrics:
Burning burning I wander and tread
Love has coloured my body blood red
I am not in my senses nor out of my head
Come, see what love has done to me
Sometimes like the winds I blow
Sometimes like the roads I go
Sometimes like the floods I flow
Come, see what love has done to me
Hold my hand, lift me from this place
Or take me into your embrace
You’ve made me weep, put a smile on my face
Come, see what love has done to me
Musician Maryem Tollar joins us again this week to teach us the song ‘Ahmed Ya Habib’ which she learned in Aleppo, Syria.
Arabic Lyrics:
Ahmed ya habib, ya habibi, salam ‘alek
Ya ‘awn il gharibi, salam ‘alek
Ya ‘awn il gharibi, Ahmed, ya habibi
Salam ‘alek, Salam ‘alek
Amnun Wa Salamun, salam ‘alek
Dinukal Islamu, salam ‘alek
Ya ‘awn il gharibi, Ahmed, ya habibi
Salam ‘alek, Salam ‘alek
Nibda’ bi-t-tawhidi, salam ‘alek
Nibda’ bi-t-tamjidi, salam ‘alek
Ya ‘awn il gharibi, Ahmed, ya habibi
Salam ‘alek, Salam ‘alek
English Lyrics:
Ahmed, beloved, my beloved, Peace be upon you
Friend to the stranger, Peace be upon you
Friend to the stranger, Ahmed, my beloved
Peace be upon you, Peace be upon you
Safety and peace, Peace be upon you
Your belief is in Islam, Peace be upon you
Friend to the stranger, Ahmed, my beloved
Peace be upon you, Peace be upon you
We begin with the oneness of God, Peace be upon you
We begin with praise to God, Peace be upon you
Friend to the stranger, Ahmed, my beloved
Peace be upon you, Peace be upon you
Musician Brenna MacCrimmon teaches a Turkish song, Sol Cennet. Learn along with her!
Turkish Lyrics:
Şol cennet’in ırmakları
Akar Allah deyu deyu
Çıkmış İslam bülbülleri
Öter Allah deyu deyu
Salınır Tüba dalları
Kur’an okur hem dilleri
Cennet bağının gülleri
Kokar Allah deyu deyu
Altındandır direkleri
Gümüştendir yaprakları
Uzandıkça budakları
Biter Allah deyu deyu
English Lyrics:
The sparkling rivers of paradise
Flow with the name of Allah
The nightingales of faith
Sing with the name of Allah
The branches of the Tüba sway
Reciting the Kur’an in the air
The roses in heaven’s garden
Are redolent with the name of Allah
Its trunk is of silver
Its leaves are of gold
And when it sends out a shoot
The buds open saying Allah
Maryem Tollar brings up memories of past Iftar Nights spent in Mabelle Park with the classic song Tala‘al Badru ‘Alayna.
English Lyrics:
Oh the full moon rose over
From the valley of Wada‘
And we owe it to show gratitude
Where the call is to Allah
Oh you who were raised among us
With a call to be obeyed
You have brought our city nobleness
Welcome good soul
Oh Mohamed, our beloved
You who travelled through the night
You’re our sun, and you’re our moon
You’re our brightest shining light
Arabic Lyrics:
Tala’al badru ‘alayna
Min thaniyat il wada‘
Wajaba shukru ‘alayna
Ma da‘a lillahi da‘
Ayuhal mab‘uthu fina
Ji’ta bil amril muta‘
Ji’ta sharaftal madina
Marhaban ya khayra da‘
Ya habibi ya Mohamed
Ya habibi ya rasul
Anta Shamsun, anta qamarun
Anta nurun ‘ala nur
Week 1 - Breaking the Fast
April 12, 2:00 pm - 3:30pm:
The Listening Room
April 20, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm:
Youth Meet and Greet
April 15, 7:00 pm - Livestream
Week 3 - Kids and Iftar
April 26, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm:
The Listening Room
April 27, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm:
Youth Writing Workshop
April 29, 7:15 pm - Livestream
Week 2 - Memories of Iftar
April 19, 2:00 pm - 3:30pm:
The Listening Room
April 20, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm:
Youth Cooking Workshop - Register
April 22, 7:10 pm - Livestream
Week 4 - Lanterns and Songs
May 3, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm:
The Listening Room
May 4, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm:
Youth Cooking Workshop - Register
May 6, 7:25 pm - Livestream
On Site at the MABELLEpantry
Videography & Editing by Henry Mak
On Mabelle Avenue, at Mabelle Park, big things have been happening - even through a trying year. Let our host and MABELLEarts Youth Mobilizer, Sergio Guerra, take you on a little journey through the park during our weekly food pantry, to see the treasures that wait for you there! MABELLEarts’ weekly food pantry provides food security for neighbourhood residents through a welcoming, artful, and celebratory market.
Featuring: Sergio Guerra, Leah Houston, Michael Burtt, Liz Rucker, Ayal Dinner, and MABELLEarts staff.
Artistic Team
Composer, Iftar Nights 2020: Hussein Janmohamed
Dramaturgy: Elizabeth Rucker
Live Stream Direction & Design: Annie Katsura Rollins
Spectacle Theatre Design: Shadowland Theatre (Anne Barber & Sequoia Erickson)
Story Research and Translation: Abir Abouel Sadaat
Illustration: Banafsheh Erfanian
Puppeteers: Annie Katsura Rollins, Afsaneh Zamani
Poet in Residence and Host: Sergio Guerra
Musicians: Maryem Tollar, Brenna Macrimmon
Artmaking Activity Facilitators: Michael Burtt & Shadowland Theatre w/The Listening Room, Annie K. Rollins w/ACCT Women’s Circle , Faten Toubasi
Eid Celebration Musicians: TBA
On-Site Manager: Michael Burtt
Videographer: Henry Mak
Live Stream Broadcast: Eric Chan
Live Stream Graphic Designer: Kelvin Wu
Communications, Website and Print Design: Billy Main & Karen Kew
Food and Cooking Team
Food Security Lead: Nicolette Felix
Youth Food Leads: Tasmeen Syed and Rafia Salam
MABELLEpantry team: Ayal Dinner, Azeb Teklemichael, Ashley Cherniawski, Lynn & Gary Williams, Pat Austin, Derek Kwan, Andrew Gaboury
Recipe Creation: Nicolette Felix & the MABELLEyouth
MABELLEyouth Leaders: Rafia Abdalla, Nuha Johar, Nada Johar, Remaz Salam, Tasmeen Syed, Hodan Ibrahim, Nura Nurhussen, Nada Nurhussen
Contact Us.
Throughout Virtual Iftar Nights, we will share art-making activities which offer you the opportunity to add into the story of Virtual Iftar Nights. As you respond to the participatory activities, please send us what you make, so that we can feature it as part of the project. We look forward to hearing from you! Please email annie@mabellearts.ca or leave us a message. We look forward to hearing from you!
Explore a Virtual Iftar Night
Last year, we told the story of a MABELLE Iftar Night in eight acts. Each act corresponds with an important phase in a typical MABELLE Iftar Night – moments that have grown into traditions over the years, including: arriving in the park; waiting for sunset; gathering together; raising lanterns; centring ourselves; welcoming the sunset; breaking our fast; and circling around the fire. Explore all eight acts below.